Sunday, 12 October 2014

First Reviews are in!

It's an exciting time for Bolt Comics. The first reviews for our comics The Adventurers and A Brigand's Tale have come in courtesy of Christof Bogacs over at Geek of Oz. We really appreciate him taking the time to pick up our books for review.

Here is an edited down version of the reviews. You can read the whole thing over at the Geek of Oz website. Thanks again to Christof and Geek of Oz 

A Brigand's tale

Written and drawn by Daniel Tribe

"A Brigand's Tale brings all the fun of long-form series like Spider-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and packages it in a self-enclosed 24 page story.

What the comic lacks in colour, Tribe's art makes up for in detailed shading. Plus there is undeniable energy to his art that almost leaps off the page.

There's humour, plenty of action and magic powers. Seriously, what more could you possibly want out of a single issue?

You can pick yourself up a physical copy of A Brigand's Tale from

The Adventurers #1
By Andrew Tribe

Another all ages book, The Adventurers is a heartfelt read filled with cute characters and subtle moral lessons. This first issue introduces us to Ellie, a young dragon eager to leave her sheltered home of Haven to visit the exciting world of the humans. 

What follows is a simple yet enjoyable story about finding your own way, that I think primary school age readers in particular will enjoy. 

Andrew Tribe delivers functional artwork with a cartoon feel and great character expressions. Although quite simple at times, it always reflects the fun and playful tone of the story Tribe is trying to tell. 

You can pick yourself up a physical copy of The Adventurers #1 from"

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