Thursday, 5 June 2014

Bolt Comics Count Down to Sydney Supanova

Just one week until Supanova!

The Adventurers team posing ideas for the next story arc or
simply posing for the camera? You be the judge!
A Brigand's Tale 1 launches at Comic Gong.
The future  looks bright to creator Dan Tribe
while  issue 2 co-writer  Mike Stoneburner
doesn't seem so sure!

Hot on the heels of Comic Gong (read a review here and here), Bolt comics con seasons keeps charging along with Supanova in a week!

We are really excited for Supanova this year. Last year marked the launch of The Adventurers and incidentally Bolt Comics! This year we will be selling the follow-up issues of The Adventurers plus our newest title A Brigands's Tale. We are looking forward to meeting people and having a good time. Make sure you come to table A0 92 in The Alley and say hi!

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