Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Bolt Comics Sydney Supanova 2014 Review

What an exciting weekend for Bolt Comics. It was so good to meet so many people who were interested in our books! To those who bought our books, we are sure you'll enjoy them and be back for more in the future!

Here are some happy snaps of Bolt Comics at Sydney Supanova.

Our first customer was also our table neighbour!  We had a great time tabling next to the guys from Midnight Runners

The Bolt Comics table is open! Who wouldn't want to buy a comic from these smiling faces?                                                                            

                                                                                                                                                                         Radical! The Turtles  check out Bolt Comics!                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Our creators worked hard to give people a free sketch when they bought a comic. We use the term "Sketch" loosely. These are more like mini master pieces! Here is a selection of characters from The 
Adventurers and A Brigand's Tale some people were lucky enough to get with their comic.







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